Tuesday, August 18


“I do not know her,” said the old black sheep. “Who is she?” said the others. So the mystery of Romlah is still a mystery. Romlah 16 years was an old sheep with no identity. All the villagers do not know who she is. But when I was young, she was so popular among the sheep and goat.

The mystery of Romlah starts when she appeared in the middle of war in 1969 but she disappeared in 1979. Her appearance were attracted all the sheep and goat in the village, not only the young goat but the kid, widower and the married sheep. All the female goat and sheep were very jealous with her but they cannot do anything because Romlah did not do anything to attract the male.

Romlah likes a noble sheep. She just went out when she need. She lives in the little old hut near a bush. She just ate the vegetables that she plant around her hut. All the villagers do not know who built her hut and the vegetables garden but after Romlah stayed in the village all the plant in village grow very healthful. Nobody knows how it is happen. After 1979, the mystery began again; Romlah is disappeared without a trace.

ini adalah salah satu assigment yang dibuat khas untuk puan Asiah...hehehehe

1 comment:

juliamoyu said...

romlah the untold story ni kau pnyer. aku tau. tp ade yg sindiket soljah bwat, kn led?